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Agiito boosts data skills by enrolling onto The BTA’s new apprenticeship.

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As part of our commitment to developing our people and optimising the value of data management, we’ve enrolled two candidates onto The Business Travel Association's Data Skills Academy.

Launched in conjunction with partner Grant Thornton and training provider BPP, the Data Skills Academy is exclusively for The BTA members and partners.

“As data analytics plays such a critical role in business travel, we want to make sure we continue to lead the way in a competitive TMC marketplace by optimising our data management. As data courses which focus on the intricacies of our industry are limited, this course is a great opportunity and we jumped at the chance to get involved.

By enrolling our people on the BTA Data Skills Academy, it allows us to take advantage of the levy and is the perfect investment in both our people and the business. This investment not only shows our commitment to developing our people for their own career development, but how we can use their expertise to shape Agiito’s future data analytics strategy.” Katie Blount, Director of Experience at Agiito.

The course is a Level 4 apprenticeship qualification, covering key data concepts like database design, architecture, coding, integration, visualisation, tools and theory, all geared towards the business travel industry specifically.

One of the learners commented: “As there isn’t much data training available that is specific to our industry, taking this course is ideal for progressing in my career. This course offers the perfect fit, bridging some of the more technical gaps with the opportunity to look at things with a fresh mindset and becoming much more well-rounded in my knowledge. Data is often seen only from an analytical perspective, so it would be good to understand the entire data process.” Kerry Johnson-Sadler.

Our two learners, Kerry Johnson-Sadler (Data Manager) and Lone Konradsen (Head of Customer Insight) began the course in June and expect to finish towards the end of 2024.

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